
Melinda Waffle

Professional Learning Coordinator
  • Company REMC Association


Day 2
January 25, 2024
1:45 pm

Designing a Personalized Professional Learning Framework [Teaching & Learning]

25 January
Time:  1:45 pm - 3:00 pm
Location:  Marquette A (Level 5)

Professional learning in which individuals can design and pursue opportunities that are relevant to their current position and their future goals is a possible reality due to the influx of digital resources and increase in the number of professional learning opportunities offered by districts, regional organizations, non-profit organizations and even for-profit companies. But just how does an administrator put a system in place that is both flexible and holds educators accountable? Several districts will share how they have accomplished this; plus, gain access to freely available resources and templates that will help you implement a customized plan for this in your district.

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