
Kaleena Gonzalez

Client Experience Manager

Kaleena serves as Client Experience Manager for Christman where she helps develops strong, lasting partnerships to ensure client satisfaction. As part of this work, Kaleena helps lead our K-12 bond service programs in West Michigan. In this role, she works closely with community members and school administrators helping to align the community and school district vision for school facilities. Kaleena’s nearly 10 years of industry experience is centered around K-12 projects where she assists school districts as they plan, campaign, and implement bond projects across Michigan. Kaleena’s approach is built around consensus and community. Kaleena plays a key role in connecting with community members to help pass the bond and takes initiative to fully understand the goals of each district and the unique needs of their community.

  • Company The Christman Company


Day 1
January 24, 2024
3:00 pm

Building Community Through a Connected Campus [Small & Rural Districts]

24 January
Time:  3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
Location:  Nicolet B (Level 5)

School districts are at the heart of our rural communities, generational legacies are closely intertwined with the schools. Montabella values a rich tradition of families deeply connected to the district and all its activities. The evolution of education and the changing needs of the community reveal the story of how districts adapt to best serve their students, much like Montabella Community Schools. In the early 2000s, the district underwent a consolidation process that led to the closure of neighborhood elementary buildings, bringing all families to a consolidated campus. Over the course of two decades, the district united as a Mustang family. However, it wasn't until the 2018 facility bond that all students, from kindergarten to twelfth grade, found themselves physically connected in a single building that met today's safety and educational standards. The bond program had a dual focus: physically and metaphorically linking the campus and community. It achieved this by enhancing pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety, improving access to the athletic complex, and constructing an addition that bridges the elementary and secondary campuses, allowing students to move safely throughout the day.

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